The NSMBA Trail Crew have been hard at it all summer to make our trails the best they can be.  As of late, Pangor has seen a ton of new wood, Digger is hard at it on Ladies Only and if we add to that the recent work on Upper Oilcan, Pingu, Corkscrew, Pennzoil and 7th Secret things are really coming together.  As promised at the Spring Town Hall meeting, thanks to the hard work in our community by the many builders and our TAP sponsors, we are now adding some bells & whistles to many trails now that most of the heavy lifting has been done.  Look for the trail crew to continue work on Crinkum Crankum to replace expired structures later this month. A big thanks to Digger, Pat Podolski, Sean Gerke and our summer student Lea Zhecheva for taking on the lion’s share of the new woodwork. TAP is underway again with the return of moisture. Continued efforts of our TAP build leaders keep the momentum going into the Fall and of course, the NSMBA recognizes and supports those who wish to work independently on trails with Land Manager permission.

Our Family & Youth Day on Empress Bypass saw a great turnout!

The NSMBA Trail Crew on Pangor.

Logs are being adzed to restore traction and skinny is in where possible.

With the dry conditions during the Summer months, the NSMBA put all TAP Trail Days on hold. We are happy to announce that TAP is back in action! Some much needed moisture returned in September and we are happy to see so many of our volunteers/friends/builders out there! Trails are in primo condition and ready for action!

In September we hosted two public trail days. With the support of Okanagan Springs & Cove Bikes, a new bypass was built on Corkscrew at the request of Metro Vancouver to offer an easy line around the log ride/wood platform. A big thank you to all who attended and our Shore Corps build leaders Tom Hudson, Amanda Myke, Rob Donovan, Morgan Mallett & Alex Lamarre. Thanks to your efforts, Corkscrew is looking good!

Berms were resurfaced, drainages cleared and holes filled on the Corkscrew trail day.

Wheel swallowing holes have been filled on Corkscrew and expired woodwork replaced.

On the same day we  hosted our very first Youth & Family Trail Day on Empress Bypass. With over 40 adults & kids we were overwhelmed with the success of this event and look forward to hosting more in the future. Drainages were cleared, bushes trimmed back and dirt thrown where needed on this heavily used trail.  Please join us on Oct 24 to continue the work on our next public trail day sponsored by Filzer.

Great attendance on Empress Bypass with tons of family & friends!

Deloitte hosted their Annual Impact Day on October 2nd working on the Fromme Ascent. Work was focused on another realignment.  The work in this area is extremely challenging so a big thanks to Deloitte for their efforts. Work will continue on the Fromme Ascent into the Fall.



Our friends at Rocky Mountain Bikes went to work on Lower Oilcan in early October under Lead Builder Brent Hillier . Improvements continue on LOC and the results can be seen in the below photo.

  And Pennzoil got a new chicane entrance thanks to Shore Corps leaders Gordon McNaughton, Tom Hudson & Michael Stormer thanks to support from TAP adopter CLIF bar.


Check our Calendar of Events to stay in the loop on upcoming Trail Days. We are hosting our next Public Trail Day October 24th on Empress Bypass sponsored by Filzer. We look forward to seeing you out there!