Code of Conduct

1. The North Shore Mountain Bike Association is committed to promoting a culture of respect and ensuring a safe and positive experience for all within the Association and its community. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to articulate the ethical and professional expectations of the Association’s constituents, representatives, and partners.

2. The NSMBA is committed to treating its personnel and members in a considerate and professional manner at all times. NSMBA members and constituents are asked to treat everyone within the Association and the broader community with equality, dignity, and respect. The NSMBA has a no tolerance policy in relation to discrimination, harassment, or sexual harassment. Prohibited behaviour includes online interactions, posts, irrespective of the social media platform or online venue.

3. NSMBA personnel and members who witness inappropriate behavior should report it to the Executive Director, Deanne Cote. Reported infractions are forwarded to the Chair of the Human Resources (HR) Committee. The committee is composed of 3 to 5 members, and may include the Executive Director, Board members, staff or volunteers. The Chair of the HR Committee will review each concern and use their discretion on how to handle the concern. External HR advisors may be involved to assist the Association in reviewing any concerns brought forward.

4. In the case of individuals, review of alleged violations of this Code of Conduct may result in some or all of the following actions:

    • list of learning points and associated action plan to implement changes
    • education requirements to address root causes that may have led to the reported infraction; and
    • disciplinary measures that may be decided upon by the HR Committee and/or Board of Directors, including loss of membership privileges and, in cases of severe transgressions, expulsion from the Association.

5. In the case of NSMBA sponsors, partners, or contractors, the Board may consider infractions as grounds for termination of an existing sponsorship or partnership agreement, or as grounds for refusing future agreements.

NOTE: Understanding the need for strict confidentiality in relation to all reported Code infractions, these matters, and the identity of the individuals involved, will not be disclosed to, or discussed with, other members, family or friends.