Fiver Series

Started in 2011 as the “Toonies”, the Fivers have become the flagship series of NSMBA events, combining the community of a group ride with the format of an enduro event. For $5, and a NSMBA membership, riders participate in 3 timed stages and a post ride aprés party with food and beverages.

Fivers take place from April to September every 2nd week on a Thursday or Saturday. Our “TwentyFiver” in the late Summer/Fall as well as other unique Fivers throughout the year.


New for 2024: 
  • Pre-registration for Casual / Youth Fiver
    • We will be testing pre-registration for Casual/Youth Fivers to help organizers plan for the food and beverage at the aprés.
    • Registration will be open for one week before the event
    • Payment will be taken on-site.

  • Class 1 E-bikes!
    • For the first time, we will introduce a category for Class 1(pedal assist) E-bikes (capped at 20 per round).
    • E-bike riders need to be there for registration at 5:30pm and will depart first
    • Once we start analogue bikes we can no longer register E-bikes 

2024 Schedule

We are now offering a couple different categories of Fivers: Classic Fiver, Casual Fiver and WTNB Fiver. Learn more about each below the schedule.

April 13 (Saturday) Learn to Fiver on Fromme – 10am

April 18 (Thursday) Casual & Youth Fiver on Fromme – 5:30pm – ROUTE

May 2 (Thursday) – Classic Fiver on Fromme – 5:30pm – ROUTE

May 16 (Thursday) Classic Fiver on Seymour – 5:30pm – CANCELLED

May 30 (Thursday) – Classic Fiver on Seymour – 5:30pm – ROUTE

June 13 (Thursday) – Classic Fiver on Seymour – 5:30pm – ROUTE

June 27 (Thursday) – Casual & Youth Fiver on Seymour – 5:30pm –ROUTE 1, ROUTE 2

July 11 (Thursday) – WTNB Fiver on Fromme – 5:30pm –ROUTE

September 12 (Thursday) – WTNB Fiver on Fromme  – 5:30pm – ROUTE

September 28 (Saturday) – TwentyFiver on Fromme – 10:00am – ROUTE


Times listed indicate when riders are able to sign in and start riding. Fivers typically sign out the last rider after about 2 hours.

Fivers on Fromme will typically start at the Fromme Parking Lot. Fivers on Seymour will typically start at Parkgate Park.

Fiver Categories

While all Fiver events follow the same general enduro format (3 timed stages on a course on either Fromme or Seymour) with an apres party after, there are a few differences between them:

Classic Fiver
  • Open to 200 Participants
  • Centered around an experience for those looking for some friendly but fast paced competition.
  • Riders should be prepared for a more competitive riding environment similar to Fivers before 2023.
  • Trail Difficulties will range from Blue to Black.
Casual Fiver
  • Open to 100 Participants*
  • Centered around an experience for those not super interested in competing, new to mountain biking and/or the Fivers in general.
  • Riders should be prepared for a more relaxed riding environment
  • Trail Difficulties will range from Green to Blue (mostly blue).

*100 participants have been set in order to allow for more staggered and less rushed stage starts

WTNB - Women, Trans, Nonbinary Fiver
  • Open to 100 Participants*
  • Open to women, trans and nonbinary riders.
  • Centered around an experience for those not super interested in competing, new to mountain biking and/or the Fivers in general.
  • Riders should be prepared for a more relaxed riding environment
  • Trail Difficulties will range from Green to Blue (mostly blue).

*100 participants have been set in order to allow for more staggered and less rushed stage starts

Youth Fiver
  • Open to 100 Participants* aged 18 years and under.
  • No aprés party but snacks and treats will be available to all riders at the NSMBA and sponsor tents.
  • Trail Difficulties will range from Green to Blue (mostly Green).

*100 participants have been set in order to allow for more staggered and less rushed stage starts

Learn to Fiver

Learn to Fiver is our free event aimed for riders to stop by and try out our Fiver timing system as well as learn more about what Fivers are all about before the season kicks off! Learn to Fiver will begin at the Fromme Parking lot. Stay tuned for more info on our socials! @nsmba

Please note that for the Classic and Casual Fivers, 30 spots will be reserved for WTNB (Women, Trans and Non-Binary) and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) participants. 

How to Participate and what’s involved

To participate in a Fiver, all riders must:

  • Have a current North Shore Mountain Bike Association Membership. Become a member HERE!
    • to confirm your membership at the
  • Sign and submit a Waiver and Code of Conduct. Waivers will be available to sign at each Fiver and you only need to sign one per year.
  • Provide $5 in cash/coins. If you need to use a credit card, the fee will be $6 to cover any transaction costs (please note that the card reader may not always be available)

All Fivers follow the same general format:

  • All riders will first check in/register at the main NSMBA tent. Here you will confirm your membership and submit your waiver and $5. You will then be giving a timing chip that will go on your wrist. Once you have your chip, you can start riding the course!
    • You can confirm your membership by presenting either a screenshot of your membership details from your member account or from your membership confirmation email
  • Each course will have 3 timed stages (a course marshall will be stationed at the start and finish of each stage). For each stage, you will need to scan your chip at the scanner at the start and finish.
  • Once you have completed all of the timed stages, you can complete the rest of the course and do a final scan and sign out back at the main NSMBA tent. Here you will also receive a printed out slip with your stage times (times will also be posted online a couple days after the Fiver).
  • Once your timing chip has been returned, feel free to head to the apres party for some food and drink!

*We will have no season passes this year, so each Fiver will operate on a first come, first serve basis.

Fiver Courses and Trails

Course details will be released two days before each week’s Fiver here, our social media channels and

While the specific course routes have a delayed release, here are the trails that will be included in the Fivers this year:

Crinkum Crankum

The Griffens
Lower Expresso
Lower Digger
Lower Oilcan
Pile of Rocks
Roadside Attraction
Wardens Climb

7th Secret

C Buster
Empress Bypass
Forever After
High School League

John Deer
Neds Atomic Dustbin
Severed D
Upper Severed

*Each Fiver course will consist of 3 timed stages (Enduro style). Riders will follow the course and scan their timing chip at the start and finish of each stage (course marshalls will be present at each stage).

Rider Timing Categories

At the registration tent, all riders can choose to be placed in the following categories (unless stated otherwise – ex. WTNB Fiver).

  • Men
  • Women
  • Non-Binary
  • Junior Men (under 18)
  • Junior Women (under 18)
  • Junior Non-Binary (under 18)

Sponsoring a Fiver

Each Fiver is sponsored by a local business who provides financial support for event operations and trail work as well as hosting and providing food and beverage for the apres.

Learn more by checking out our Fiver Sponsor Package.

Volunteer at the Fivers

Want to lend a hand as volunteer support for these events? To learn more about what is involved with being a volunteer at a Fiver event please read our Fiver Volunteer FAQ.

If you are ready to sign up click here to be added to our volunteer list ! We will reach out every couple of weeks during the Fiver season to check availability, so there is no requirement to commit to specific dates at the time of sign up.