Dear NSMBA Members, 

The District of North Vancouver recently released the draft 2023-2027 budget and it is now in the Public Consultation phase until March 6th, 2023. There are significant proposed cuts to parks, recreation, and active transportation, and a very limited window to provide input.

The proposed budget would see a 4.5% increase on municipal property taxes. This increase would be one of the lowest in the region despite the District of North Vancouver being one of the wealthier municipalities. In order to keep the tax increase low, the District Council has proposed deferring several very significant projects in active transportation and recreation indefinitely. 

Active transportation projects which are being deferred include the development of key cycling routes which will provide important links between town centres and the continuation of the Spirit Trail connecting Maplewood to Deep Cove. The need for these links, and the proposed layouts, has been well established and documented by the District’s own reporting and planning for years.. 

We know that many of our members live in the District. Having safe cycling routes is important. Whether it’s leaving the car at home to ride to Fromme or Seymour, commuting to work, running an errand, going to your local coffee shop or going for a family ride, this infrastructure is important to get more people on bikes. As a member of the mountain bike community we recognize how important our trails are to us and for cyclists who require safer road infrastructure, these projects are important to them. This may even be you! 

The District reports that mode share has remained between 1.5% and 2.6% since 2016 and that only those who are considered “Strong and Fearless” as a cyclist are the ones who are using the network. We believe the only time you should need to be fearless on a bicycle is when you choose to ride a new feature on the trails. If the District doesn’t make improvements to the current infrastructure then this number will not change. The District needs to provide a safer, continuous cycling network in order to have more people reach for their bikes to get places. 

For further information here’s an article published by NS News.

Please share with your networks to have more voices heard and we encourage you to call or write individual members on council or email Your comments can be kept relatively simple and to the point, that you do not want to see these projects deferred. Input must be received by 4pm on March 6, 2023.

Help shape the budget by providing your input (from the District of North Vancouver Website):

To comment on the draft budget:

Ask staff a question below: start by logging in or creating an account. Staff will answer your questions here as soon as possible, usually within about two business days.

Email your comments to 

Submit a letter to Sacha Jones, Section Manager – Financial Planning, 355 West Queens Rd., North Vancouver, BC, V7N 4N5.

Or share your thoughts on the budget during the public input period at the beginning of the March 6 Council meeting, which starts at 5pm. If you would like to speak at the meeting, either in-person or virtually, you must email the Municipal Clerk at before 3pm on the day of the meeting.