AGM Rules of Order

Rules of Order

  1. The meeting will be run in accordance with the NSMBA By-laws, as set out in Schedule B of the Society Act of British Columbia, and, except as otherwise provided below, the 11th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
  2. The bylaws of NSMBA  (BC Societies Act Schedule B) provide that only “members in good standing” may vote at the AGM (s.21(1)). A member is in good standing if their current annual membership fee has been paid. (s.9) 
  3. Time has been set aside for general questions and answers under New Business. Each member wishing to raise a new question under New Business will be entitled to speak for no longer than 3 minutes.  


  1. Only members who are eligible vote may move a resolution
  2. A special resolution requires a 75% majority at the AGM to pass, 7 days’ notice of the resolution is required prior to the AGM.
  3. Comments or questions must relate to the pending report or motion. 

Questions and answers under New Business:

  1. At the end of the meeting, time is set aside for questions from the floor. A member or attendee wishing to pose a question will wait to be acknowledged by the Chair, and state their name before asking the question. The Chair will direct the question to the appropriate Board director. Further follow-up questions may be permitted at the discretion of the Chair.
  2. The annual general meeting is for the purpose of transacting the business of the general membership of the NSMBA. Issues of a personal nature will not be debated, but will be referred to the Board, or the appropriate officer(s) or staff for consideration or action.
  3. Anyone speaking out of order may be asked to leave by the Chair.