Provincial Trail Academy

Provincial Trail Academy

Thanks to support from BC Parks Park Enhancement Fund and Arc'teryx, the North Shore Builders Academy hits the road this month, starting with Vancouver Island.  In October, the Academy will make its way to the Interior.  The Academy is focussed on...

Fall 2014 Trail Days

        Fall Trail Days Announced! Oct 5 – Lower Oilcan sponsored by Dizzy Cycles meet at 9am at Upper Lynn Elementary Oct 18 – Bobsled sponsored by Telus meet at 9am at the Fromme Container Nov 2 – TNT sponsored by North Shore...
NSMBA announces new Administrator

NSMBA announces new Administrator

  Welcome Aboard Christine! The NSMBA is proud to announce the addition of Christine Tetrault to our team.  As our newest employee, Christine will manage the Administration of the organization. The NSMBA has grown by leaps and bounds over the past five years...
TAP 2014 Update

TAP 2014 Update

  Some changes to our 2014 TAP line up.  We welcome Giant Vancouver and Telus to the TAP family! To date, TAP has accounted for over 50 trail days! When the rains return, the work will continue into the fall and winter.   Support those who support the...
MEC Capacity Grant

MEC Capacity Grant

The NSMBA would like to acknowledge the continued support from MEC with the recent granting of funds to increase our capacity as an organization.  The NSMBA will be using these funds to hire our second employee to focus on administrative tasks to manage the...