Ferns, shrubs and saplings planted throughout…

Everyone was stoked, despite the rain!

It was a wet and wonderful day on Fromme as an army of volunteers donned rain gear to naturalize the Shore’s newest trail, Bobsled, by planting a number of plants and trees alongside the trail today.  Young cedars, pines and maples now adorn the trailside while ferns, and indigenous shrubs will shore up the backside of berms and other necessary areas along the trails’ edge.  The wet weather was ideal for planting. 

Mathew Bond, NSMBA President, discusses how they can make the world a better place with DNV Head Trail Builder, Owen Thomas.

The District of North Vancouver supplied nearly 100 plants and trees, and DNV Head Trail Builder Owen Thomas was on hand to volunteer his efforts to ensure the work was done to the already high standards set in the construction phase.  As the new greenery takes root, the flora's root systems will stabilize the soil and work in conjunction with the sustainable trail building techniques employed by the DNV trail crew to prevent erosion while improving trailside aesthetics and sustainability.  The overall design of the trail utilizes modern building techniques to greatly minimize maintenance. Water deflection is controlled by grade while rider speed is controlled effectively by undulating slope.  Little braking is required by riders, which will greatly reduce erosive impact.  It is a new era in trail building and the DNV is embracing the community and leading by example.

Its projects like Bobsled that will invigorate the North Shore as a destination again.  This gentleman was all the way from New Mexico!  He loved Bobsled!

“This is the only trail of its kind on the Shore." Arthur Gaillot from Suspension Werx brought his landscaping experience to help with the naturalization process and is passionate about the service to the community this trail serves.  "Everyone can ride it from children to advanced riders.  Everyone in the community should support this in any way possible.” Several NSMBA Directors joined in the efforts, including Wade Simmons NSMBA Trail Ambassador, who worked with many of the children to naturalize the trail while educating on the concepts of environmental sustainability and how to ride a trail with minimum impact. 

Wade talks flow with a guest on Bobsled.  The girls loved the trail and promptly dove in for another lap.

It was a true community effort today on Fromme!   Endless Biking were exemplary in their efforts as Darren Butler and Shannon Moldowan facilitated the transport of the plants to the trail head and joined in the work by bringing a crew of teen riders to aid in the efforts while they learned techniques on not only how to ride the trail, but how to build and naturalize in an environmentally conscientious manner.  "This trail is making our youth in the community fit!"  said Butler.  "They don't need any prodding to pedal up for another lap."

Bobsled good, me happy!  Natasha's smile says it all…

We look forward to continue working together with the members of the community and the District of North Vancouver on a long term vision of the trail network on Fromme.  

Thank you to everyone who came out to help today. We look forward to seeing you out at our next trail day.

Piper was there to help test out the berms!  Good girl Piper!