The District of West Vancouver is asking people what they value about the Upper Lands, that large, undeveloped block of land above the highway. All 6,265 acres, all the way out to Horseshoe Bay.
The Upper Lands Working Group is reviewing policies and programs outlined in the 2001 Upper Lands Study and the District’s Official Community Plan. The review will help to determine what lands should be protected, what lands can be developed, uses of public land, and appropriate forms of development.
Last year the Working Group heard from stakeholders and stewardship groups, including the NSMBA and a representative of the Cypress trail builders. Now they want to hear from the general public. This means you!
There are three Open Houses scheduled for public input. At the Community Centre each evening will have two interactive workshops, so come out, grab a clicker and have your vote counted!
Wednesday, February 26
4:30 – 7:30 P.M.
Gleneagles Club House
6190 Marine Drive
Thursday, February 27
4 – 8:30 P.M.
West Vancouver Community Centre
Interactive workshops at 5 and 7p.m.
Tuesday, March 4
4 – 8:30 P.M.
West Vancouver Community Centre
Interactive workshops at 5 and 7p.m.
A lot of information will be on display, including maps with land ownership and trails. Pay close attention to where the 1200′ contour is. The OCP limits development above the 1200′ contour, but allows for the possibility of a variation. Consideration of allowing some development above 1200′ would be given only in exchange for securing lands for public use below 1200′ in locations that would otherwise be developed or where there are lands of extraordinary environmental/recreational value. Some of the questions for you to weigh in on include:
– What lands do you consider to have extraordinary value?
– What forms of recreational development above 1200′ would you support?
– Planning is expected to take years. What are the risks of waiting that long for official trails?
– How can identifying areas for recreational trails be expedited?
Watch the Cypress 2014 Conditions thread for more news and info. Links to maps and surveys will be posted as soon as they’re available.
An excellent opportunity to ensure that mountain biking is incorporated into the future of Cypress.