This weeks Fiver is one that you’re not going to want to miss!


The stoke is high with Fiver #5, presented by Steed Cycles and Race Face, with an afterparty featuring drinks, a BBQ, and contests and prizes!


Sign in will run from 5:30pm to 6:30pm (location to be announced with the route anouncemnt ). There is no fixed start time, you can start out onto the course once you have signed in.


Remember you MUST be a current paid NSMBA member to participate.
Get your 2022 NSMBA Membership!


We have 100 spots designated season pass holders and 100 spots open for the day of the event.  Day-of registration will work on a first come first serve basis and is payable with $5 cash. 30 spots will be reserved for our rad female riders!

Apres – Steed Cycles located at 6696 Marine Drive, NV – Starting at 7pm, with veggie, vegan & gluten free options.