We at the NSMBA are as excited as you all for the return of that mythical substance hidden under all the white stuff: dirt.
But, with over 150mm of rain in the forecast for the week, we’ve got a favour to ask: lets give the trails a bit of rest during this difficult weather.
As the frost heaves and frozen ground thaw, the trails are going to be soft; add channels (aka tire tracks) in the slush or dirt for what is sure to be epic quantities of water to flow in, and suddenly all of our builders and volunteers hard work is washing away down the mountain.
So please, over the next few days, lets give the trails a bit of rest. Stick to low elevations that have already thawed if you choose to ride, or go for a hike and clear some drains with your boots!
Warm rain is one of the fastest ways to melt all this snow, so hang tight and it’ll be ready to ride again in no time!
This post was inspired by our friends at TORCA.
Let us know if you have an comments, and when you’re out hiking, running, dog walking, snowshoeing, please flag dead fall and other serious trail issues in Trailforks so our builders can get things running smoothly ASAP.