The NSMBA would like to remind all of us to be extra careful in the forest as the dry weather persists.  Despite the recent light rain, we all must continue to remain dedicated to fire safety in the forest.  

It is also an especially vulnerable time for the trails.  The lack of moisture has negatively impacted all trails. Through the Trail Adoption Plan (TAP), the NSMBA will aggressively repair damaged sections once moisture returns..  TAP trail days are currently on hold since June 9th due to dry conditions.  NSMBA trail crews are still active, doing what work possible given the conditions while adhering to all current and updated government protocols for fire safety.  The NSMBA liaisons frequently with regional Land Managers to ensure the best practices are in place and upheld.  

Please report any fire activity by calling 911.

Check here for the most up to date prohibitions and restrictions.

Danger Class –