Things are off to a great start in 2010! Earlier this month, a 40-foot ladder bridge was completed on Lower Griffen.
As many of you know, Griffen is a multi-use trail, used by riders and pedestrians alike.
Trail-maintainer extraordinaire Matt Preston, along with helping hands from Kristian Short at Cove bikes, constructed the boardwalk in what is traditionally a boggy, wet area on Lower Griffen.
This upgrade is a perfect example of how we the NSMBA helps manage the environmental impacts of riders and provide a better trail experience for the broader community of trail users.
NSMBA Griffen Project – January 2010 on Vimeo.
The NSMBA would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the 2009 North Shore Bike Fest including James Wilson and Sharon Bader, who graciously donated funding and the District of North Vancouver including Graham Knell who donated wood and nails. As always, we look forward to continued partnerships.
Trails don't maintain themselves! To be a part of the goodness of the NSMBA, join or donate today or plan to get out for the next trail day!