May has been another productive month, including a public trail day on Dale’s Trail thanks to Norco John Henry Bikes. Areas targeted include the rock bypass and the bottom exit to the powerlines. Find out more details HERE including a brand new Norco Aurum giveaway thanks to Norco John Henry Bikes. It pays to pitch in!Seymour Updates
Metro Vancouver has hired Joyride Bike Parks to realign Upper Dale’s to the swamp. This work will be undertaken as a machine build and the old line will be decommissioned. This section will be closed from June 9 to early July. Riders are asked to use the east entrance to access Dale’s.

Water damage has taken it’s toll on Upper Dale’s.
Fromme Updates
Improvements have been made to Upper Griffen led by Digger, Brent Hillier, Sean Gerke & Alex Lamarre thanks to support from past grant funding from Sacré-Davey Engineering and now current adopter Comor Sports.
Drainage and tread improvements have been conducted along the length of King of the Shore led by Sean Gerke & Alex Lamarre made possible thanks to current TAP adopter Lynn Valley Bikes.Expired bridges are being replaced on Lower Griffen Switchbacks.

Magic on Expresso thanks to Digger.A concentrated effort to improve Lower Dreamweaver includes a minor re-route, new bridging, drainage and dirt work.
May was a busy month despite the lack of rain to moisten the dirt. TAP work continues to make improvements on 28 trails and recent work has been implemented on Pingu thanks to the Raven Neighbourhood Pub, Lower Oilcan thanks to Rocky Mountain Bicycles, Bobsled thanks to Telus, Skull thanks to Steed Cycles, Severed D thanks to NS Ride & Different Bikes, Floppy Bunny thanks to Sombrio, the descent to Forever After thanks to BC Bike Race, tread improvements on Expresso thanks to MEC & Shox and recent work on Ladies Only under adopters & Toyota BC. Thanks to support from GIANT Canada, Ol’ Man Pete has finished the new line on Kirkford, creating a vastly different experience and building on his great work from 7th all the way down through Leppard and Crinkum. Whew…our community is getting some great work done! Big thanks to our 2015 TAP Build Leaders for your vision.