We have been working with Metro to bring you a communication on the Fall 2015 Trail Upgrades from the Metro Land Managers.

Fall 2015 Trail Upgrades


Dale’s: Trail work has gotten underway on Upper Dale’s which includes a re-alignment of a small bridge at the bottom of the new trail section and completion of machine work done early in the season.


Cabin Trail: Through the fall, trail upgrades will be completed at the bottom end of Cabin Trail from the Mushroom Lot to the waterfall. This work will allow both machine access to the future crossing point and provide proper drainage. Options for a crossing will be investigated into the spring of 2016.  


Enquist Trail (Pinch Flat Alley): Metro staff will be upgrading the trail from Seymour Mountain Road up to bottom of CBC this fall. Work will involve replacement of collapsed drainage structures, ditching and re-surfacing. Metro will incorporate some features into one side of the trail to enhance rider experience. 


Mushroom Lot (Ned's Entrance) to Incline: Trail upgrades to address erosion, drainage and trail surfacing will be completed through September/October. Safety signage will also be installed at top of trail to caution bikers that this is a multi–use trail and bikers must give way to uphill traffic. Hikers and bikers could be encountered. 


Baden Powell Trail (stairs and trail up to power lines):  A Engineering consultant has been retained and is finalizing the design of the new stairs, and Metro are hoping to construct Fall/Winter. Trail upgrades from powerlines to top of stairs will commence on October 12th.  It is anticipated to take 4 weeks to complete. Some of the switch backs will be lengthened; drainage issues addressed and tread surfacing for the majority of trail. It may not be possible for Metro to make the trail completely ridable uphill.  Please note some short trail closures maybe necessary.


Hyannis Trail and powerline to Ridge Runner: Completed- Drainage and tread surfacing issues have been completed on power line connector from Hyannis over Mystery Creek and down powerline route to Ridge Runner. It is hopeful that this will encourage people to ride up to Hyannis and down Bridle and not use Mystery Creek Trail. 


Fall 2015 Trail Maintenance 


The following Trails have been adopted for routine trail maintenance and work will be carried out through the fall:


Ridge Runner: Mud bunnies have adopted this trail and work should start mid-October.

Dales: NSMBA

Richard Juryn: NSMBA


Forever After: NSMBA

High School League: NSMBA

Corkscrew: NSMBA


 Specific Task for Fall 2015 


CBC and Ned’s Metro will have a consultant conducting an environmental assessment this Fall on the current lines and surrounding areas. At the same time Metro will be completing safety assessments of all structures and features and mapping all braids and lines. Metro will be coordinating a walk through with NSMBA in October/November to gather input. 


Meetings with NSMBA to discuss 2016 Trail Maintenance Plans


Any inquiries or comments can be sent to: LSCR@metrovancouver.org Please cc: info@nsmba.ca