North Vancouver residents rate outdoor trails as their highest recreational priority, even above ice rinks, soccer fields and swimming pools. Why then is funding for the maintenance and construction of trails so hard to come by?

The NSMBA is preparing a business case for the annual funding of a trail crew for the North Shore, and we need your help!

Your role could be:

  • collecting and analyzing user data (trail counts, user surveys, literature review)
  • researching best practices (what models for funded trail maintenance already exist)
  • evaluating different options for the program (cost/benefit, risk identification/mitigation, stakeholder sensativity analysis)
  • technical writing

Anyone is welcome to assist. Volunteers with experience developing business cases, or a background in planning, finance or management would be an asset.

We will be reviewing the business case with municipal staff mid-August, and presenting to Council mid-September.

Annual funding for trails is a critical step in ensuring everyone will continue to have access to the trail network we all love. Please help spread the word to help us move together in the right direction.  Please respond to