Strategic Plan Development
The NSMBA has seen a lot of growth in the last few years, not just in terms of membership and volunteer numbers but also in the amount of people recreating on the North Shore trails. As such, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary to develop a formal Strategic Plan for the NSMBA to follow for 3-5 years.
In Fall 2020, led by the NSMBA’s Executive Director, Christine Reid, we began collecting information, data and feedback that will enable us to develop a strong strategic plan that will detail specific goals to attain and direction for the NSMBA Directors and Staff to take.
What we have done so far:
- We connected with Greg Tooke from Light Trail to support our Strategic Planning Process
- During the October + November 2020 Board of Director meetings 3 priorities were determined
- The 3 priorities were introduced to the public and membership during our Annual General Meeting on November, 26 2020. Input was requested for ideas and actions within these priorities.
- The NSMBA emailed a recap of AGM discussion out to our email list on December 5, 2020 and asked the subscribers for additional ideas or potential action items on the 3 priorities.
- During the January 2021 Board of Directors meeting the feedback and themes from the above input sessions were discussed and how they relate to the 3 priorities and their specific objectives.
- At the 2021 Town Hall Meeting the Strategic Plan was updated and further discussed
Where we are at:
We are in the final stages of community input and consultation. Throughout October we will be inviting various stakeholders to participate in conversations regarding actions that the strategic plan can take to achieve it’s goals. The plan will be reviewed and discussed with the Board in November. With the new Board reviewing the document in December, the Strategic Plan will be presented to the community in December.
We welcome all feedback so please provide any comments, ideas or actions that we can take to achieve these priorities by completing the Strategic Plan Input Form .
If you have further questions, comments or are a stakeholder wanting to further discuss and share your opinions on the strategic plan please email