TD Friends of the Environment Foundation has granted $5000 to the NSMBA for to build volunteer capacity and support the Trail Adoption Plan. The funds will be used to support builders & purchase supplies in what is the largest mountain biking restoration project ever undertaken on the North Shore as 21 Trail Adopters set their sites on Fromme. The NSMBA would like to thank TD for their support and recognition of the importance of the program that includes restoration of the forest through the planting of indigenous species when decommissioning irreconcilable sections of trail that are rerouted to lessen environmental impact and increase sustainability.
Since 1990, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD FEF) has provided more than $57 million in support to over 20,000 grassroots environmental projects in communities like yours.
From schoolyard naturalization and community gardens to tree plantings and environmental education, TD FEF is proud to provide much-needed funding to help sustain local environmental projects.