The North Shore Bike Shop has stepped up as the title sponsor for the NSMBA's July 16th toonie race! Thanks Matt!!
So here's the details:
Saturday July 16th: Pipeline.
Registration will be from 9 to 9:45am and the race will start at 10:15am.
Yup, there'll be coffee..
Race will be from the seconds gates up to Pipeline, down Pipeline to Baden Powell, left on Baden Powell and back up to the second gates.
We haven't confirmed the pub yet for afterwards, so will announce where that is closer to the race day – racers can head to the pub right after they're done racing, but prizes and such will be given out closer to 12:30pm (thanks to Steed Cycles and North Shore Bike Shop).
You MUST be an NSMBA paid member to race and you can register online. This covers your insurance, so you do not need any additional diggy auto insurance online through Cycling BC. Your membership will be good for a full 12 months from the date of payment – it doesn't expire automatically at the end of 2011.
The cost of the toonie race will be (big surprise) $2 on race day. We will not have online registration for the race – but if you can vote on this poll if you're racing or not, then we'll have a rough headcount.
We will be having a volunteer meeting this Wednesday at 7pm – if you're interested in volunteering and haven't contacted me yet – send me an email at
We have a healthy volunteer roster this year, but seeing as how this race will be on a Saturday in the middle of summer, I expect that roster to be thinned out with people on vacation, etc. so some more hands would be helpful!
General questions can be sent to