Toonie #1 Results – Updated

The Results from Toonie #1.

There are couple racers we need to re-scan the cards and pull the times. This will happen Friday morning.

Huge thank you to everyone that came out.

This was the biggest Toonie is NSMBA history.

  Name Stage 1 Time Stage Placing Stage 2 Time Stage Placing Stage 3 Time Stage Placing Total Time Difference
1 Andrew Shandro 00:04:38 1 00:04:04 3 00:01:36 6 00:10:18  
2 Morgan Taylor 00:04:53 2 00:04:06 4 00:01:35 5 00:10:34 00:16
3 Stephen Colborne 00:04:57 3 00:03:57 1 00:01:41 14 00:10:35 00:17
4 Drew Pautler 00:05:03 6 00:03:59 2 00:01:34 4 00:10:36 00:18
5 Ken Perras 00:04:59 4 00:04:06 5 00:01:33 2 00:10:38 00:20
6 Jamie Biluk 00:05:01 5 00:04:35 12 00:01:31 1 00:11:07 00:49
7 Darren Butler 00:05:19 12 00:04:20 7 00:01:40 13 00:11:19 01:01
8 Andy Moore 00:05:11 10 00:04:27 8 00:01:45 24 00:11:23 01:05
9 Lars Andrews 00:05:19 13 00:04:20 6 00:01:48 30 00:11:27 01:09
10 Mark Bickford 00:05:09 7 00:04:43 16 00:01:37 7 00:11:29 01:11
11 Jack Keesey 00:05:11 9 00:04:39 14 00:01:41 16 00:11:31 01:13
12 Jimmy Vuke 00:05:09 8 00:04:50 21 00:01:34 3 00:11:33 01:15
13 Connor Macleod 00:05:23 15 00:04:33 9 00:01:38 10 00:11:34 01:16
14 Tim Graverson 00:05:23 16 00:04:34 11 00:01:51 41 00:11:48 01:30
15 William Cadham 00:05:31 21 00:04:34 10 00:01:46 26 00:11:51 01:33
16 Fred Grillet 00:05:29 18 00:04:42 15 00:01:42 19 00:11:53 01:35
17 Shannon Rozel 00:05:39 28 00:04:44 17 00:01:37 8 00:12:00 01:42
18 David Goosen 00:05:25 17 00:04:50 24 00:01:49 32 00:12:04 01:46
19 Tom Power 00:05:32 24 00:04:44 18 00:01:49 34 00:12:05 01:47
20 Neil Sinclair 00:05:32 25 00:04:50 23 00:01:44 23 00:12:06 01:48
21 Jordon Drinovz 00:05:40 30 00:04:49 20 00:01:39 11 00:12:08 01:50
23 Noel Wilcox 00:05:31 20 00:04:56 30 00:01:42 18 00:12:09 01:51
22 Dan Sutton 00:05:31 23 00:04:53 28 00:01:45 25 00:12:09 01:51
24 Brent Hillier 00:05:54 44 00:04:36 13 00:01:41 15 00:12:11 01:53
25 Lam Michael 00:05:21 14 00:05:05 37 00:01:47 29 00:12:13 01:55
26 Angus Kilpatrick 00:05:43 33 00:04:50 25 00:01:43 20 00:12:16 01:58
27 Dave Collins 00:05:44 35 00:04:45 19 00:01:52 44 00:12:21 02:03
28 Matta Grossnickle 00:05:33 26 00:04:51 26 00:01:58 50 00:12:22 02:04
29 Eli Relle 00:05:30 19 00:05:03 35 00:01:52 43 00:12:25 02:07
30 Ian Judson 00:05:37 27 00:05:04 36 00:01:46 27 00:12:27 02:09
31 Kyle Simpson 00:05:48 40 00:04:56 29 00:01:44 22 00:12:28 02:10
32 Steve Sheldon 00:05:39 29 00:05:12 44 00:01:42 17 00:12:33 02:15
33 Daniel Maldoff 00:05:44 36 00:05:06 39 00:01:44 21 00:12:34 02:16
34 Tyler Armstrong 00:05:31 22 00:05:09 42 00:01:56 47 00:12:36 02:18
35 Greg Okeefe 00:05:47 38 00:04:58 31 00:01:51 40 00:12:36 02:18
36 Kathern Short 00:05:54 45 00:04:50 22 00:01:59 55 00:12:43 02:25
37 Mathew Bond 00:05:47 39 00:05:00 33 00:01:59 53 00:12:46 02:28
38 Kelly Barnes 00:05:51 43 00:05:09 41 00:01:52 42 00:12:52 02:34
39 Leevon Baril 00:05:41 31 00:05:22 48 00:01:49 33 00:12:52 02:34
40 Justin Hodgson 00:05:51 42 00:05:25 51 00:01:39 12 00:12:55 02:37
41 Eron Chorney 00:06:04 48 00:04:52 27 00:02:01 58 00:12:57 02:39
42 Connor McGinn 00:05:45 37 00:05:22 47 00:01:51 39 00:12:58 02:40
43 Terry Walker 00:06:15 50 00:05:00 34 00:01:50 36 00:13:05 02:47
44 Scott Allard 00:06:01 47 00:05:06 38 00:02:02 59 00:13:09 02:51
45 Richard Smith 00:05:42 32 00:05:33 53 00:01:58 49 00:13:13 02:55
46 Chris Courtney 00:06:16 51 00:04:58 32 00:01:59 54 00:13:13 02:55
47 Alexander Nielsen 00:05:50 41 00:05:49 58 00:01:49 35 00:13:28 03:10
48 Ratcliffe Blaise 00:06:00 46 00:05:41 56 00:01:48 31 00:13:29 03:11
49 Lars Bartholsen 00:06:08 49 00:05:11 43 00:02:12 70 00:13:31 03:13
50 Paul Austin 00:06:30 56 00:05:07 40 00:02:05 63 00:13:42 03:24
51 Christopher Clarke 00:06:22 53 00:05:24 49 00:01:56 46 00:13:42 03:24
52 Jaclyn Jeffrey 00:06:19 52 00:05:26 52 00:01:59 57 00:13:44 03:26
53 Jeff Kalmar 00:06:23 54 00:05:25 50 00:01:58 51 00:13:46 03:28
54 Cynthia Young 00:06:36 59 00:05:21 46 00:01:57 48 00:13:54 03:36
55 Laura Kean 00:06:32 57 00:05:41 55 00:01:51 38 00:14:04 03:46
56 Chris Brown 00:06:46 61 00:05:33 54 00:02:06 65 00:14:25 04:07
57 Jake Stien 00:06:49 62 00:05:44 57 00:02:04 61 00:14:37 04:19
58 Kelsie Lengert 00:06:44 60 00:05:59 61 00:02:04 62 00:14:47 04:29
59 Lee Adam 00:06:35 58 00:06:14 65 00:01:59 52 00:14:48 04:30
60 Joe Warawa 00:06:58 66 00:06:02 62 00:01:54 45 00:14:54 04:36
61 Sven Luebke 00:06:53 63 00:05:56 60 00:02:10 68 00:14:59 04:41
62 Ruth Mortimer 00:06:56 65 00:06:07 63 00:02:03 60 00:15:06 04:48
63 Andrew Prenty 00:07:02 67 00:05:56 59 00:02:09 67 00:15:07 04:49
64 Graeme Joyce 00:06:23 55 00:07:36 70 00:01:59 56 00:15:58 05:40
65 Jordon Masse 00:05:11 11 00:09:16 74 00:01:38 9 00:16:05 05:47
66 Ashley Stotts 00:07:50 69 00:06:21 66 00:02:06 64 00:16:17 05:59
67 Aaron Truelove 00:07:03 68 00:07:14 69 00:02:07 66 00:16:24 06:06
68 Greg Miller 00:08:25 71 00:06:08 64 00:02:12 69 00:16:45 06:27
69 Niels Van Kampenhout 00:08:33 72 00:06:28 67 00:02:22 72 00:17:23 07:05
70 Thomas Roberts 00:06:54 64 00:09:32 75 00:02:16 71 00:18:42 08:24
71 Amanda Prenty 00:08:58 73 00:07:06 68 00:02:43 74 00:18:47 08:29
72 Urs Bleuler 00:08:00 70 00:09:06 72 00:02:27 73 00:19:33 09:15
73 Kelli Sherbinin 00:14:22 76 00:05:15 45 00:01:51 37 00:21:28 11:10
74 Dorothy Luebke 00:10:54 74 00:08:58 71 00:02:46 75 00:22:38 12:20
75 Katherina Kubenk 00:12:07 75 00:09:11 73 00:03:58 76 00:25:16 14:58
76 Travis Strain 00:05:43 34 00:20:44 77 00:01:47 28 00:28:14 17:56
77 Norma Alicia Ibarra Fimbres 00:16:51 77 00:09:32 76 00:04:03 77 00:30:26 20:08
78 Mathew Gould 00:06:10   DNF   00:01:44