I know a few vollies had good reasons to miss the meeting, but the majority didn't respond or said they were coming and didn't show up.
I am going forward with the permit application this week and we are going forward with the events, but come on everyone, you came to the AGM and asked for toonies, you voted on days you want to race, you were at the townhall meeting and had a heated discussion on what trails you want to race. this can only be done as a group effort – let's DO THIS!! if we don't have sufficient volunteers, we will not be able to make this a long term thing.
You can vollie for one race and race the others, but this is a group effort and this won't happen without the biking community supporting the organizational efforts as well as racing.
Please, with a cherry on top, email toonie@nsmba.ca to volunteer.
The first race will tentatively be June 25th (a Saturday) and subsequent races on one Tuesday at the end of July and one Tuesday the end of August.