The weekend nears and Fromme calls your name, it’s time for Wade’s Excellent Adventure to begin!

Tune your bike, rest your legs, and let dreams of dirt dance through your head.  The course is set and the mystery lain upon the trails of Fromme. 

Your team will ride three trails each having one secret sign. When you complete all three trails, you will receive the fourth and final sign. Arrange the signs correctly to decipher the Secret Trail. First team to finish the Secret Trail will be crowned the winner! Keep in mind, no team is finished until the final rider returns.

WAIVER: Please print out and complete a waiver for each team member before you arrive.  Bring the waivers and hand in them in at registration.  Everyone must sign a waiver to participate. Waivers have been sent to team leaders.

PARKING: We are requesting that all participants park at the Upper Lynn School

Alternatively you may park below Coleman only where it is permitted. No cars will be permitted up to the turnaround circle as it will be very busy!  We will be running an Excellent Adventure shuttle vehicle to take any gear you can’t pedal up from the school.   Just follow the parking signs:

REGISTRATION: Sign in between 9-10am at the NSMBA tent at the water towers located 200m uphill of the yellow gate at the top of Mountain Highway.  Your team captain will register your team and receive an envelope with your first trail.  Keep this secret, as not everyone will be riding the same trail.  When you return from your first trail, you’ll receive your second envelope, and so on.

START: Have your bike at the staging area prior to the start at 10:30 prompt!  Corporate class will go first, followed by Citizen class two minutes after. 

FOOD & WATER: Planet Foods will be there with plenty of Honey Stingers and Ultima, an energy/electrolyte drink, for everyone.  Feel free to bring your own food too.  Please note, there is only one water fountain and it is located downhill of the staging area! Be sure to bring plenty of water for your team!

GARBAGE: As we want to leave the mountain better than we found it, please bring a garbage bag with you to take all your refuse.  If you see a wrapper on the ground, please stop to pick it up!

AWARDS CEREMONY: At 3pm in the Champions Court at the staging area!

MAP OF FROMME:  You'll want to print & bring a copy with you…

APRES PARTY:  4pm at the Bridge Between – see map below.  Join us at the Bridge Between for the after party and the huge Rocky Mountain Slayer SS frame giveaway.  There are BEvERage specials, vegetarian and meat eater specials (wings & samosas & spring rolls) and a good time guranteed!  Plus the giveaway raffle will be happening with some incredible prizes!!  You've got to be there to win!


Let the Adventure Begin!