ATT: Female Mountain Bikers!

NSMBA now provides more FREE support than your favourite sports bra!

We want you to come ride our fun and friendly Toonie events – they start May 1st and run every second Thursday evening.
If you already enjoy riding Fromme but are shy to try a Toonie, come ride with us!
One week before each of the Toonies, you are invited to come pre-ride the course with certified female coaches and ride leaders for FREE.
We will be meeting every Thursday night – either to pre-ride the Toonie course or to participant in the Toonie events as a group.

To ride the Toonie Event as a group, meet us at 5:45pm
Upcoming Pre-rides:  June 5th / June 19th / July 3rd / July 17th


Thursday, June 5th. Meet at the Water Towers on Fromme at 6:00pm.

Supported by:
Endless Biking