Take a look a snapshot of some of the work that’s been going on this past month! Thank you to the builders putting lots of volunteer time to the trails, trail crew and other volunteers for your tremendous work up on the mountains!
- Blocking a braid on Floppy Bunny (after) 📷Joe Woywitka
- Blocking a braid on Floppy Bunny (before) 📷Joe Woywitka
- Adding fresh dirt to the Piledrive drop on Boogieman 📷Dan Lui
- Working on some bridge replacements on Pangor 📷Sven Luebke
- Fresh Cedar on Slash! 📷Dave Clendenan
- New Bobsled Drop or Rolls
- New Bobsled Drop or Rolls
- Fresh berms on Powerlines 📷Joe Woywitka
- Keeping the flow going on Lower Expresso 📷Ian Watt
- New cedar feature on Severed! 📷Penny Deck
- Dirt work on Severed 📷Stephen Craigdallie
- Adding gold on Floppy Bunny 📷Joe Woywitka
- Replanting ferns and native plans on the Griffen Ascent 📷Vince Beasse
- Clearing trees (before)
- Clearing trees (after)
- Filling in puddles and protecting roots on the Baden Powell (Before) 📷 Sean Brassil
- Filling in puddles and protecting roots on the Baden Powell (After) 📷 Sean Brassil
- Patch up on the Big Stupid Cedar drop 📷 Digger
If you ever see any maintenance issues on the trails be sure to report it via Trailforks with a photo of the issue and map coordinates/location if possible. It’s the quickest and best way to alert the builders of any work that needs to be done.
If you don’t have trailforks, you can also email info@nsmba.ca with a photo and location as well.