Bobsled Ceremonial Opening Sat September 25th 11am

Join us for the Official Ceremony at 11am on Fromme at the Water Towers! As many will have noticed this year, the District of North Vancouver’s trail crew have been busy doing significant amounts of trail maintenance on Fromme and have also created a new...

Bobsled Temporary Closure

The heavy torrential downpours have taken their toll increasing substantially the flow of an underground stream under one of the berms and creating minor drainage issues at a couple other spots on the trail.  At present, the DNV Trail Crew is working hard to...
Bobsled Naturalization

Bobsled Naturalization

Ferns, shrubs and saplings planted throughout… Everyone was stoked, despite the rain! It was a wet and wonderful day on Fromme as an army of volunteers donned rain gear to naturalize the Shore’s newest trail, Bobsled, by planting a number of plants and...
Fromme Update – Bobsled Progress

Fromme Update – Bobsled Progress

Its a new era! NSMBA Directors Wade Simmons & Adam Walsh (far left/right) have a group hug with the DNV Trail Crew, Alex Walton and Amanda Turner. Progress on Bobsled is moving forward at a rapid rate.  The DNV trail crew is on target for a projectected...