This Saturday, Oct 20th, is the municipal election for the District of Vancouver. For all information regarding the candidates, where and how to vote can be found here:
To help inform your vote we sent all the current candidates for mayor and council several key questions to help the community understand their current views regarding recreational trails within the DNV, and their management. We also presented them with the following statement to inform their responses:
The Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan (POSSP) was adopted in 2012 as part an implementation strategy for the Official Community Plan (OCP). The POSSP identifies nearly 20% of the District of North Vancouver as District managed parkland, 70% of which is Alpine Parkland, like Fromme Mountain. Access to these parklands for recreation and leisure activities is highly valued by District residents. The POSSP outlines significant trends in increased trail and parkland usership, as well as aging infrastructure and facilities, and the need for more trails of all types. Meeting changing needs and demands is listed as the number one challenge and goal of the POSSP.
Our Questions
We asked the following questions with the opportunity for each candidate to expand on their response: Questions were sent out on October 10th.
1. Outdoor recreation and trail use are growing rapidly among all user groups; do you think the current North Shore trail network is adequate? (yes/no)
2. Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP? (more trails/increased maintenance/no change/other)
3. Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme? (yes/no)
4. Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour? (yes/no)
5. Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here: (yes/no)
Responses from the Candidates
Presented in the order we received them, unedited. Names are of those who submitted a response.
Jordan Back - Running for Council
While we have an amazing network of trails, the demand is ever increasing, and I think we can always be looking to add new trails.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
increased maintenance
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
NSMBA is a key partner of the District, providing our municipality with a much needed service and link to the community of trail users in much the same way our community associations give us the pulse of a neighbourhood.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
I think the Fromme Trail Agreement has been very successful and I would support something similar for Seymour.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
I have personally donated to this project, as I think it will be a great way to provide a trail experience to a variety of different user groups.
Additional Comments
As much as the partnership between the District and NSMBA has been successful in many ways, I hope to help make it even better and be a voice of support for you on Council!
Linda Findlay - Running for Council
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
both more trails and increased maintenance of existing
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Jim Hanson - Running for Council
Improvements can always been made, but I wish to ensure that further investments in trails is balanced with other community needs.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
As for Quarry Rock, this is a special circumstance. We believe that we must consider some kind of restrictions in order to maintain the trail user experience in this case.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Mitchell Baker - Running for Council
Our trail system is massive with some trails better known and hence more used than others.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
increased maintenance
We cannot restrict access to parkland but a focus on increased maintenance in high traffic areas is warranted.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Greg Robins - Running for Council
I hike the North Shore mountains about 5 days a week. I find the network is adequate for my use.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
increased maintenance
We can’t keep people away – the trails are now a global attraction. Rather than add more trails, we could maintain the ones we have and also use the opportunity to educate visitors. This technique is used in the Grand Canyon and it’s effective.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
I wish there were an “undecided” selection since I have not seen the figures on the new costs. In essence, however, I am in favour of the agreement.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Yes – this cannot come soon enough.
Additional Comments
I support the preservation of our trails and forest.
Erez Barzilay - Running for Mayor
It is very adequate. However, I do support increased maintenance as well as restrictions, where necessary, and a much better outreach and education re respectful use of natural trails.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
increased maintenance
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Additional Comments
The use of natural trails in the DNV and beyond need to be mutually respected by the users. I will strongly support better signage and increased outreach, guidance, and education around the best practices using natural trails.
Lisa Muri - Running for Council
We need to seperate user trails, mixed creates conflict. We need to look at the trail network from the perspective of a NORTH SHORE trail system. Much like amalgamation of municipalities would benefit planning, transportation, housing, so too would a single managed trail system. Protecting the environment and the user. Metro Vancouver for isnstance has the water district and parks overseeing trails that are used by all, but managed quite differently, because of various priorities. Makes no sense. I will continue to work towards a more cohesive model.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
Increased separated trails with more maintenance
Mixed trails don’t work, especially with the increased number of users, create inventory, map, increase partnerships.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
A successful partnership, that has evolved with open discussion and vision.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Same as above
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
There are several partnership opportunities, with land owners and operators that could benefit by working with the DNV and NSMBA to provide better, more efficient, recreational access to our forested lands. The Blair and Mt. Seymour Resorts provide 2 obvious partnerships. Diversity of the trail network is key, to allow a variety of opportunities for those users whose experience is minimal, restricted or growing. As technology advances and adaptive vehicles continue to evolve, opportunities for people with disabilities broaden. I am absolutely supportive of expanding these initiatives.
Additional Comments
I we are defined by our environment and outdoor recreation opportunities. We are all striving for the same thing, growing our partnerships and coming together is a great benefit for all of us, on many levels. The mountain bike community played a huge role in protecting land during GUARD’s battle in ‘96, working together will ensure those areas are there for future generations.
Barry Forward - Running For Council
The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. We need to conduct an inventory of the existing trail network, and build an impact & business case for any expansion of the network. WE also need to ensure proper separation between mountain bike users and hikers/trail walkers. Mixed trails can be dangerous and we must ensure safety for all.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
increased maintenance
Again, without a complete inventory of our existing trail network it is difficult to answer this question. Increased maintenance is necessary, but we need to assess the entire trail network to determine whether or not we need more trails.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Without this trail agreement we will leave trail improvements, environmental protection and safety provisions to adhoc groups and individuals.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Again, I support collaboration with the Mountain Biking community and other trail users. Without this type of agreement trail expansion and maintenance, as well as protection of the environment is done adhoc.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Again, while I support this idea – it is imperative that these trails be built sensitive to the mixed use demands & safety of all users (bikes and foot traffic).
Additional Comments
We need to create increased separation between cyclists and foot traffic. This consideration is critical for the benefit, enjoyment and safety of all users.
I would like to have the opportunity to witness the NSMBA’s trail building program first hand to see how the organization in managing maintenance, safety and environmental impacts.
Mark Elliott - Running For Council
However, the POSSP does recommend increased trail connectivity as an overall goal. As an avid outdoor recreation user, I have spent time on almost every trail available in North Vancouver. There are many trails I travel that often have very little traffic at all. Currently, there is stress on some very specific parks (Lynn Canyon, Quarry Rock to name two). We need to spend some effort communicating some of the other trail areas we have to reduce the traffic on the few. I am also interested in upgrading facilities in places that will spread out the use as well (the parking lot at the top of Mountain Highway has been very successful, perhaps it’s time to entertain the other location that was identified for more parking).
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
As with the previous question, I believe we need a combination of more than one solution.
We need to increase the amount of trail maintenance we do. The POSSP recommended continuing to work with trail volunteer organizations for this purpose. We also need to find ways to reduce the traffic on the most popular routes, and encourage the use of the road less travelled.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
This agreement over time has benefitted the network of recreational trails in the area. Hikers use many of the trails as well (particularly the uphill climbing sections).
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
I would specify on this that it is important to work within the boundaries of the Parks Department budget for any increased spending.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
I like the concept, especially the twinning of the downhill section of the loop. Under the current trail structure, it makes it very difficult for runners and dog walkers to use that section when bikes are coming down. It also fits with one of the “Guiding Principles” from the POSSP for accessibility.
Matthew Bond - Running for Council
Trail networks on our local mountains are one of the best investments we can make in the long term health of our community. Trails support personal health, wellness and community connection as well as a host of small, locally owned businesses. Trails are one of the reasons many of us moved here and choose to stay here.
There are significant gaps in our trail network, particularly for the most skilled and least skilled riders. The trail network would benefit from more connectivity between key origins and destinations (Dempsey/Braemar to Yellow Gate on Fromme and second switchback for example). We need more community riding hubs, like pump tracks, in our urban areas to celebrate our biking culture.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
more trails and increased maintenance
Some trails, such as Quarry Rock and the Grouse Grind, have become so overwhelmingly popular that they will either need to be completely redesigned or have their use limited.
Building more trails and a more varied trail experience distributes users and can reduce pressure on individual trails. Building trails to modern standards with an ongoing maintenance plan will provide a better user experience and reduce environmental impacts due to trail wear and erosion.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
My experience is that the NSMBA offers the best value to the District and fosters a model of community stewardship of a shared resource that would be sought after around the world. I also believe these types of operational agreements are best dealt with a staff level.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
It may be difficult, but I think the most value would come out of having all four landowners on Seymour (DNV, Metro Vancouver, BC Parks, CMHC/BSRST) come together with a single agreement and trail plan for Seymour. A lot of benefit would come out of aligning trail standards, permitting procedures, signage and funding.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Yes, this is a great opportunity to make our trail networks open to more people. Again, these types of decisions would usually be made at a staff level.
Additional Comments
I was the President of the NSMBA from 2008-2013 and have a deep understanding of both the opportunities and challenges facing our trail networks.
ZoAnn Morten - Running for Council
I have my favourite trails but have not read a recent report on trail usage, number, condition etc the question above was only yes or no answer.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
increased maintenance
Some trails have limiting factors as to space, environmental concerns and safety, others also have limited parking
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
I will need to review the reporting from previous years funding, objectives and deliverables. Working within an organization to fullfill goals from our DNV vision
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
DNV has limited trails and habitat staff, working with volunteers from organizations with mutually benefiting objectives stretches our tax dollars
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
the question above was a yes or no only answer and required to answer. I have responded no until such time as I can fully inform myself and talk to others. I would look to see what the proposed areas are and how they can be used. I would look for shared benefits to our residents but also seek to ensure our environment is fully considered in the proposals
Additional Comments
Allowing for safe drainage of waters, wildlife freedom and safety for residents while we enjoy our mountainside home, to continue to be a part of all planning
Robin Hicks - Running for Council
Most people locate here because of access to the mountains and forests as it provides a release from the pressures of life . Sustainable use of trails for all ages is to be supported
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
more trails
Might consider some form of fee structure for primarily tourism spots for non BC visitors to put back into maintenance .
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
We need a better communication platform to promote the work being done.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Follow a successful model
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
See initial question 1 comments
Additional Comments
As more people both local and visitors access our trail network we cannot build walls to shut people out to an important free natural resource , but must strive for sustainability to protect integrity and to match users of all types and ages with appropriate use .
Megan Curren - Running for Council
Protecting the environment is my priority and connecting people to nature, along with education is one of the best ways to get people to care more about it. I’m a biker and a hiker and I don’t think multi-use trails work well for either participant. It’s important to ensure that sensitive environmental areas are well-marked and protected and that there are more educational opportunities on the trails.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
I think it makes sense to map our existing inventory of trails first and take a holistic approach. Which trails could be biking only, which could be hiking only, are some in more sensitive area, etc.
Our trails cross through multiple jurisdictions which can be a challenge. A good first step would be to map our existing trail network to have a baseline. From there, we could determine best uses for all user groups taking account sensitive environmental areas. I completely agree that Quarry Rock (in particular) has likely far exceeded its LAC (limits of acceptable change) and we have to do more to protect trails from overuse.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Community partnerships are an important part of maintaining our vast trail network. It’s important to ensure that sensitive environmental areas are protected and that best practices are used for trail building and maintenance. I’m open to learning more about how this partnership works and see if there are ways we can improve. Involving multiple user groups in the overall trail discussions is important. (This may already be the case, I’m not sure.)
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Same as above. Community partnerships are an important part of maintaining our vast trail network. It’s important to ensure that sensitive environmental areas are protected and that best practices are used for trail building and maintenance. I’m open to learning more about how this partnership works and see if there are ways we can improve. Involving multiple user groups in the overall trail discussions is important. (This may already be the case, I’m not sure.)
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Making trails accessible for adaptive mountain bikers is important and I’m open to learning more. I’m very familiar with Seymour (as both a biker and hiker) and again, I’m not a fan of multi-use trails. I’m open to learning how we can make the mountain accessible to more people while protecting sensitive areas.
Peter Teevan - Running for Council
Our network of trails is impressive and good but we have to also protect wilderness area and Eco systems.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
Increased managment – I have heard that Quarry Rock or its trails are on private land, not park.
We have to maintain safety and respect private land at the same time.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Not sure about this yet. I need to learn more before voting.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Not sure about this yet. I need to learn more before voting.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Not sure about this yet. I need to learn more before voting.
Ash Amlani - Running For Mayor
Trail networks should be expanded, enhanced and maintain to keep up with levels of use. Northshore mountains attract attention from all of the Lower Mainland and expanding the trail network would limit the impacts on any one section.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
Both increase maintenance and expand trail network
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
NSMBA has successfully leveraged community support by encouraging trail users to maintain and expand trails. Steady financial support amplifies this community effort and benefits the entire community.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
John Harvey - Running for Council
See below
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
See below
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Please note – As I am not fully aware or have full knowledge of the Fromme Trail agreement (similar say to you not having full information of other say sports) I am currently unable to be either For or Against continual Financial Support.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
As previously stated I am in Support of a Seymour Trail agreement, but as yet unaware of what maintenance the NSMBA would be fulfilling so as to receive financial support at this moment. So open minded.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Without going to your above website “Trails for all’ proposal sounds great and in line with my below final comments. Am prepared to be involved of this.
Additional Comments
Hello NSMBA, I am a senior and I currently do not use any Nth Van Trails.
However, Mountain Biking etc is a very Popular activity of many people, whether they live on the Nth Shore or elsewhere and is here to stay.
Unfortunately, as well you may well know there has been some past controversy at the beginning when Mountain Biking started becoming popular on the North Shore and the local neighbourhood’s began to have say parking etc problems.
This appears to have settled down somewhat, whereas as I as yet do not use the say walking trails, I am not familiar with was has occurred regarding apparent -agreements with the District of Nth Vancouver.
Therefore I would believe that you would agree that if any of you were in my position, that you have to hold back of any support or unsupport regarding all your questions.
If elected I would hope to be involved by way of setting up in having a Trail Harmony situation, where if not already in place, that the NSMBA plus regular Hikers plus say Dog walkers and general simple Family forest amblers – get together to have an understanding of what each group likes to harmony share all round.
Unfortunately in Politics you may get Candidates giving you glowing support without knowing all the facts so as to get your Vote
Whereas I prefer to be say straight and honest and ask you that if you were not a
Mountain Biker or NSMBA member what would consider best for all those who use the North Shore Trails. Thank you, John Harvey.
Phil Dupasquier - Running for Council
As a frequent trail user I have seen an explosion of new users over the last few years. Particularity concerning is the lack of preparedness that I see. I don’t want to restrict use but I think we need more suitable trails for those wanting a natural experience but are not experienced.
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
more trails
see above
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Unsure of the breakdown of the agreement but I’m very willing to work with community associations like NSMBA for the betterment of all.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
see above (answered on yes and one no to reflect my neutral stance until I have all the information)
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Inclusivity is very important to me.
Additional Comments
I love the outdoors and want to continue to make it accessible for all but never at the expense of other user groups and, most importantly, the environment.
Glen Webb - Running for Mayor
Trails like Quarry Rock have likely exceeded their carrying capacity, leading to increased environmental damage and a reduced experience for trail users. How would you look to increase the carrying capacity of our trail networks utilizing the recommendations with in the OCP and POSSP?
increased maintenance
I think our trails are like roadways, the more roads you build the more traffic finds its way to fill the space.
Would you vote in favour of continuing to financially support the Fromme Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the NSMBA maintains the trail network on Fromme?
Yes, as long as all user groups feel safe and welcome when accessing the Fromme trail network.
Would you vote in support of creating a Seymour Trail Agreement between the DNV and the North Shore Mountain Bike Association, whereby the DNV provides financial support to the NSMBA for maintenance of DNV trails on Mt Seymour?
Yes, as long as all user groups feel safe and welcome when accessing the trail network.
Would you vote in support of the NSMBA’s “Trails for All” proposal to upgrade several trails on Mt Seymour to provide a safe and enjoyable trail loop for adaptive mountain bikers, families & children, novice riders, hikers, trail runners, & dog walkers? Details here:
Once again, my support is contingent on the NSMBA supporting / acknowledging that the trail network is intended for the safe enjoyment of all user groups (walkers, seniors hiking groups, trail runners etc.).
Summary of Responses