Metro Vancouver has requested we share the following information to the community.
Unsanctioned Trails
“LSCR staff have found through foot patrols and comments from concerned recreational users in the LSCR, a network of unauthorized trails on the East side of the Seymour River. We are currently mapping the routes and assessing environmental and safety issues associated with the building of these trails. A plan will be formalized through the winter on how to best decommission these trails with hopes that resources that were allocated to trail maintenance and upgrades in 2019 will not be impacted. ”
If you have any questions or comments please email Metro Vancouver at
LSCR Strategic Trails Plan
“The LSCR Strategic Trails Plan is complete and we are working with our Public Involvement Team to effectively formalize and release the Plan over the coming months.”
Pedestrian bridge crossing of the Seymour River
The new pedestrian bridge crossing Seymour River is expected to be completed by late this Fall (mid December). All details can be found here:
Read the recent article by the North Shore News with more bridge updates:
If you have any additional questions or comments regarding any of the above information, please email Metro Vancouver at