We recently updated our NSMBA 101 document to reflect some of the changes and adoptions we have experienced over the past year. The NSMBA 101 document is our way of synthesizing the questions we often receive in an easy to refer to document. We hope it can help to better understand the function, reason and limitations of the NSMBA. This is a living and breathing document that is updated by the Board yearly. We appreciate you taking the time to read through it to learn more about how we operate and our stance on certain topics. If you have any feedback or comments please feel free to email us info@nsmba.ca – we are always open to listening and appreciate the opportunity for conversation.

Each month we will highlight a section of the 101 that is relevant for the organization. This month, we’re highlighting the Future of the NSMBA

The Future of the NSMBA (From the NSMBA 101 – read the full document HERE)

The North Shore Mountain Bike Association (“NSMBA”) Vision and Mission statements were revised and finalized in 2016 by the Board of Directors through multiple SWOT* analysis sessions, led by Ben Campbell-Barry. The Vision and Mission statements are periodically revisited to ensure that they remain relevant and appropriate.

The best way to affect change is to get involved. The NSMBA is an inclusive organization, we welcome your participation and contribution to help drive us forwards in achieving our shared mission and vision.

Join in, become part of the community helping shape the future of the trails on the North Shore. Become a member, volunteer, corporate donor, or Director. Our progress is driven by volunteers and the fuel is passion.

The NSMBA is focused on the needs of the mountain biking community as a whole. We strive to support the evolution and ongoing growth of the sport of mountain biking. We engage in a preventative maintenance model, the desired outcome is a gentler transition between our past and the future. This constant evolution is the key to having a world class trail system.

A constant in this evolution is etiquette respect. The NSMBA seeks to foster a community that not only has respect for the environment but also fosters respect for all users of the trails.

This philosophy in combination with adherence to best building practices is the NSMBA’s approach to fulfilling our mission of Trails for all, Trails forever!

* A SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
involved in a project or in a business venture