November 2019 Trail Update

November 2019 Trail Update

Lot’s of work has been done this past month with lots of trail days and cool projects. The trail crew has been mostly on Fromme finishing up work on Boundary and working their way from Expresso to Mtn Highway along the Baden Powell, making it more user friendly...
October Trail Update

October Trail Update

We’ve entered the best month of the year (subjectively and objectively) and, as we countdown to Halloween, all of our Trail Builders are busy getting the trails ready for the rainy season, while completing their other cool projects and beginning annual trail...
August Trail Update 2019

August Trail Update 2019

The Trail Crew, builders, and volunteers have been enjoying August to it’s fullest, which includes making use of the good weather to get some major trailbuilding done! Here’s a brief look at some of the work that was done over the past month: Imonator is...
Teetering on the Brink

Teetering on the Brink

It’s not every day the Mayor calls (ok, the Mayor has never called me). But on July 2nd, District of North Vancouver Mayor Mike Little’s name popped up on my cell phone. In case you missed the hullabaloo, let’s go back in time a bit and see how we got...
July Trail Update

July Trail Update

Volunteers and trail crew have been busy over the last month making sure the network is in tip-top shape for all the summer riding that will be coming its way. Plenty of trails have been topped up with gold dirt to keep them running smoothly, drainage has been...
Get out of Dale’s free

Get out of Dale’s free

Another update to the Seymour network includes the recently completed reroute on Dale’s Connector to improve trail connections with Upper Dale’s on Seymour. Upper Dale’s with its machine built berms is a classic flow trail. While many love the fast...