NSMBA Annual Survey

NSMBA Annual Survey

For the past 5 years, we have conducted an annual community survey. This is an important opportunity for us to hear from our community, both members and non-members, to better understand how we can represent the North Shore Mountain Biking Community and learn what we...
2017 NSMBA Film Festival

2017 NSMBA Film Festival

  The NSMBA Film Festival, or NSMBAFF, began in 2011 as a way to showcase some of the amazing local film makers from the North Shore and Lower Mainland in 5 minute “shred-its”.   Judging the submissions is an annual highlight for our Board of...
Metro Updates – February 2017

Metro Updates – February 2017

FEBRUARY 2017 On December 7, 2014, a significant rockslide occurred in the Seymour River Canyon approximately one kilometre north of Riverside Drive. This rockslide partially blocked the Seymour River and increased the water level upstream, flooded area trails and the...
Here comes the Pineapple Express.

Here comes the Pineapple Express.

We at the NSMBA are as excited as you all for the return of that mythical substance hidden under all the white stuff: dirt. But, with over 150mm of rain in the forecast for the week, we’ve got a favour to ask: lets give the trails a bit of rest during this...
Rolling on Ladies Only

Rolling on Ladies Only

72 feet long roller coaster on Ladies Only You may have already come across one of our latest projects on the Shore: the “72 feet of doom”  – roller coaster on Ladies Only! This piece of art replaces an old structure that lasted for a mindblowing 16 years! “It...