Dirty Diapers Trail Day – July 19, 2009

Words by Mathew Bond           Photos by Jenny Lee-Silver For those of you that are thinking, “Hey! I thought this was supposed to be a Ned’s Trail Day! Ned’s is my favourite trail! I wanted to build some sick berms!” I guess we owe you a bit...

Bunnies and Builders work on Slash

On Saturday, May 2nd, members of the NSMBA Trail Team teamed up with the Muddbunnies to revamp a section of Slash.  We polished off two sweet sections, including rockwork and woodwork, in only 4 hours! It was great to have such a dedicated an enthusiastic group giving...

Crinkum Crankum Trail Day – May 10, 2009

On Sunday May 10, the NSMBA with sponsors Steed Cycles & Kintec Footlabs hosted the 3rd trail day of the season on Crinkum Crankum, a classic Fromme trail. Rated as an Intermediate to Advanced trail, it sees a lot of riders who continue on from 7th Secret trail,...

Griffen Trail Day – April 26, 2009

Words by Rhonna Gurevich                                        Photos by Jordan Silver On Sunday April 26, NSMBA hosted the second trail day of the season. Originally scheduled for Pink Starfish, lingering snow meant the trail day needed to be moved to one of the...

Frogs and Freeriders Can Be Friends

There are frogs in the ponds of Mountain View Park, and they don’t mind if we ride by! While not a destination for mountain bikers, those wishing to squeeze as much trail into their ride often find themselves exiting through Mountain View Park. Historically,...

Trail Karma

Words by Chris Barker                                                                                             Photos by Dieter Bahr It’s always satisfying to see good things happen to good people. Come to 3 NSMBA trail days and you’re entered in a draw to win...