
Fall Trail Report

Fall Trail Report

The NSMBA Trail Crew have been hard at it all summer to make our trails the best they can be.  As of late, Pangor has seen a ton of new wood, Digger is hard at it on Ladies Only and if we add to that the recent work on Upper Oilcan, Pingu, Corkscrew, Pennzoil and 7th Secret things are really coming together.  As promised at the Spring Town Hall meeting, thanks to the hard work in our community by the many builders and our TAP sponsors, we are now adding some bells & whistles to many trails now that most of the heavy lifting has been done.  Look for the trail crew to continue work on Crinkum Crankum to replace expired structures later this month. A big thanks to Digger, Pat Podolski, Sean Gerke and our summer student Lea Zhecheva for taking on the lion's share of the new woodwork. TAP is underway again with the return of moisture. Continued efforts of our TAP build leaders keep the momentum going into the Fall and of course, the NSMBA recognizes and supports those who wish to work independently on trails with Land Manager permission.


Our Family & Youth Day on Empress Bypass saw a great turnout!

On Common Ground

On Common Ground

The North Shore Mountains provide a truly unique opportunity for the residents of the Lower Mainland. Whether you walk out your door in Lynn Valley or drive over a bridge, we have access to mountains like no other metropolitan area.

The North Shore Mountains provide a place to be in nature and enjoy being outdoors for hikers, walkers, runners and riders. We must all remember how fortunate we are for this opportunity. We must strive to care and respect the environment and we must foster a community that is built on the principle of respect for all user groups.

This month we add a section to the NSMBA 101 about trails signage for DNV managed lands. The intent is to provide information in order to foster mutual respect for all.

Buy your raffle tickets to support & win!!

Buy your raffle tickets to support & win!!

Exactly two weeks and 1 day left to buy your raffle tickets! You can be part of the largest private donation to the trails in the history of the NSMBA! Every single dollar made from this raffle goes straight into our beloved and amazing trails. Really, we will all be a winner in one way or another!


May Trail Updates

May Trail Updates

Team Arc'teryx continues improvements on Lower Dreamweaver
Much work has been completed over the past 6 months, building upon the years prior to bring many trails to a sustainable standard.  

Spring Trail Update

Spring Trail Update

TAP 2015 is in full swing and work has begun on nearly 30 different trails on Fromme & Seymour.  With nearly 20 lead builders and 30 adopters, the program is stronger than ever.  As we catch up on deferred maintenance, the window of neglect is slowly closing giving us the opportunity to put the icing on the cake on many trails.  2015 is shaping up to be our best year yet!  Thank you to all of you who are part of the efforts.

Team Arc'teryx continue their improvements on Dreamweaver as part of TAP, now into year 4.

Fiver Pre-Registration

Fiver Pre-Registration

Want to pre-pay for all 9 of the Fiver's in one shot?

We've set that up for you here.

Want to skip the line at sign in and head straight to the first Stage?

We've also got that set up here.

There are 9 events this year in the Fiver Series, total cost being $45 (must be a current paid NSMBA member to participate).

This year we are offering the option to purchase your own timing card, we can pre-program your details on it and becuase you have also pre-paid we just need to scan the card at the end of the night to pull your times. No need to wait in line at sign in. 

Got your 2015 membership? 

Sign up here for your 2015 membership.

Already have signed up for your membership?

Pre-register for the 2015 Fiver's HERE.

If you have trouble registering please email

Lastly it will save some time on the first Fiver if you print out, sign your waiver and bring it with you. 


edit: We've adjusted the prices to $35 and $52 to account for the first 2 Fivers that has already happened. We'll be closing this option after Fiver #3.



2015 Town Hall Meeting April 15

2015 Town Hall Meeting April 15

Thank you for attending or having interest in our Town Hall Meeting. if you attended we thank you for being there and supporting the NSMBA. If you were unable to attend that evening we now have available our 2015 Town Hall Meeting Minutes, along with an amended copy of the NSMBA 101 for you to relive the moment 🙂


Town Hall 2015

Spring 2015 Trail Updates

Spring 2015 Trail Updates

2015 is in like a lion!  Lots happening on the slopes to improve our trails and create connectivity in our network.

Here is the latest…