
October 2020 Trail Update

October 2020 Trail Update

Nothing beats trail work in the Fall. With the advent of the rainy season, it makes the dirt perfect for raising the trail bed, protecting routes and shaping the perfect berm. From a new reroute on Pangor (look for the orange flagging tap), a rebuilt drop on Imonator...

September 2020 Trail Update

September 2020 Trail Update

It was a productive month out on the mountains as the trail crew, builders and volunteers have keep up with maintenance while trail users get in their last few adventures before the end of the summer. A lot of fresh gold (mineral soil) has been transferred to the...

Trail Jargon of the Month: Skinny

Trail Jargon of the Month: Skinny

SKINNY /ski-knee/ noun A term often used to describe roadie tires, but in this case refers to a built cedar feature that comes with the risk of a broken derailleur. . Our local trail network has lots of skinnies and they make riding more fun, interesting and...

Trail Jargon of the Month: “Braiding”

Trail Jargon of the Month: “Braiding”

. BRAID/brād/nounAn alternate line taken by a trail user off of the trail. These can include shortcuts, trail widening, ride arounds, or any alternate line not envisioned or constructed by the trail builder. .BRAIDING/ˈbrādiNG/  verb The act of riding or walking off...

August 2020 Trail Update

August 2020 Trail Update

The Trail Crew have kept their attention on Fromme, keeping up regular maintenance on Expresso, Ladies Only, the Fromme Ascent, Bookwus and Bobsled, while also building a new bridge on Seventh Secret. The...

COVID-19 Trail Day Protocols

COVID-19 Trail Day Protocols

UPDATE: Due to information and guidance from the Provincial Health Officer, the following COVID-19 protocols are no longer in place. For updated information and protocols on trail days please visit   In order to ensure the...

Update from the Executive Director

Update from the Executive Director

A message from Christine Reid, Executive Director of the NSMBA:   After a year of growing my first human I am officially back in my role as Executive Director of the NSMBA. And what a difference one year makes. Everyone has been affected by COVID-19 in one way or...

July 2020 Trail Update

July 2020 Trail Update

The Trail Crew have been focusing on some of the most high usage trails on Fromme, notably Expresso and Lower Digger, -patching up berms, clearing drains and adding fresh rock armouring - and also spending some time on Bookwus, Ladies Only and the Fromme Ascent. The...

North Shore Colouring Pages

North Shore Colouring Pages

Click each image to download the printable pdf.  Share your completed pages and tag us on instagram @NSMBA! 

March 2020 Trail Update

March 2020 Trail Update

The trails are ready for the Spring thanks to the tremendous work of the builders and volunteers! Thank you to the sponsors and groups who joined us on...

February 2020 Trail Update

February 2020 Trail Update

It's been a busy month. While more Trail days are coming up soon, most of the work being done up on the mountains has been clearing fallen trees and other debris. You'll also see even more fresh cedar popping up. [gallery size="medium" link="file"...

January 2020 Trail Update

January 2020 Trail Update

We closed out 2019 strong thanks to the work of the builders and volunteers! Thank you to the sponsors and volunteers who joined on the trails! Fromme Ascent w/ Giant Bicycles Canada Lower Expresso w/ Sacre Davey Engineering Forever After w/ Rocky Mountain Bikes...

Shore Corps Logo

Shore Corps Logo

Presenting the new NSMBA and Race Face Shore Corps Logo, designed by Morgan Mallett!The updated NSMBA Shore Corps logo was designed as both a respectful nod to the former iconic North Shore mountain bike brand Roach (with permission from Ingrid Doerr's family), and to...

President’s Message

President’s Message

Message from Cooper Quinn, President of the NSMBA This year the Association accomplished an incredible amount. Between rebuilds of classic woodwork, record Fiver attendance, record trail days, being nominated for awards, and super successful new events (Oh, and you...