
Meet the Builders – Vince

Meet the Builders – Vince

This month meet Vince. For the past two years, Vince has been taking care of the Griffen climb on Fromme. But his dedication to caring for the North Shore trails goes back to the beginnings of the NSMBA. Vince was at the first NSMBA trail day, which might surprise you...

What’s all the fuss about cedar?

What’s all the fuss about cedar?

Cedar doesn’t just look pretty & smell great… learn about its unique properties that make it ideal for trail building.

Trail Academy Update – Spring 2019

Trail Academy Update – Spring 2019

The snow has finally receded and digging season is in full swing!  The Trail Academy kicked of the season with the first Foundations Academy on March 1st. Graduates tackled repairs along a short section of Bridle Path. An old rotten ladder bridge that had become...

NSMBA DNV Council Presentation

NSMBA DNV Council Presentation

Please join us on April 1st at 7pm when the NSMBA will be presenting at the District of North Vancouver Municipal Hall (355 Queens Road, North Vancouver) in order to provide an overview of the NSMBA to the new Councillors and Mayor and to express how integral trails...

Trail Update – March 2019

Trail Update – March 2019

Fromme and Seymour are still thawing but the trail crew have managed to continue work on the aMTB Loop and Empress Bypass is almost completely revitalised. Take a look at some of the work that's going on here: [gallery columns="4"...

Career Opportunity – Executive Director

Career Opportunity – Executive Director

Over the past two years, it has been an absolute pleasure working with the mountain bike community in my role as the Executive Director of the NSMBA. During this time we have seen incredible growth in our membership, community of riders and increase in...

Meet the Builders – Pat

Meet the Builders – Pat

For all of the hero dirt we enjoyed in January, in February the forest turned white under a blanket of snow and the frozen ground made trail work more challenging. Pat, NSMBA Trail Crew Lead, hasn't let that deter him from transforming Empress Bypass at the base of...

Trail Academy & Shore Corp: 2018 Year in Review

Trail Academy & Shore Corp: 2018 Year in Review

As we head into 2019 with a full schedule of Trail Academies and Shore Corps dates set for the Spring, here's a quick look at what we accomplished in 2018: a 40% increase in Race Face Shore Corps graduates, the addition of a new Academy course on Trail Design &...

Meet the Builders: Trevor

Meet the Builders: Trevor

Winter, with its heavy rains, is often hard on the trails. We're lucky to be able to ride year round, and recently have had amazing conditions to get out and play. Ensuring each of these trails withstand the forces of Mother Nature and the impact of wheels, shoes, and...

2018 Community Accomplishments

2018 Community Accomplishments

2018 was another amazing year for the trails, thanks to the incredible support from you, the community! Take a look below at some of the major accomplishments we were able to achieve this year! We're excited to continue the momentum and make 2019 another fantastic...

Trail Update – January 2019

Trail Update – January 2019

For the last month, the trail crew focused a lot of their time working on the aMTB loop and are excited to announce that the brand new Hiking trail (name TBA) is now officially open to the community, with work on Old Buck, Bridle Path and Empress Bypass proceeding on...

Bridle Path, not Bridal Path

Bridle Path, not Bridal Path

By Cooper Quinn, President of the NSMBA So why Bridle, and not Bridal? And what does it have to do with Bottletop? For those that have never thought about the homophone that starts off Seymour’s biggest arterial connector trail, there’s clues nailed to trees all along...

December Trail Update

December Trail Update

It was another busy month as builders and volunteers prepared for the eventual snowmageddon! They've have been building bridges, clearing drains and adding gold to trails throughout Seymour and Fromme. The Builders also finished up their annual assessment process on...