
Meet the Builders: Sarah and Sean

Meet the Builders: Sarah and Sean

The NSMBA has 28 trail builders that care for the networks on Fromme and Seymour. In 2018 they led over 130 trail days as well as volunteering many hours clearing drains, rebuilding woodwork, patching up holes, and all of the other tasks needed to keep the trails in...

November Trail Update

November Trail Update

We couldn't have asked for a more successful October! With just over 1000 volunteer hours going directly to the trails we have just passed 10,000 volunteer hours for 2018! Thank you to everyone who...

Metro Vancouver Update – November 2018

Metro Vancouver Update – November 2018

  Metro Vancouver has requested we share the following information to the community.   Unsanctioned Trails "LSCR staff have found through foot patrols and comments from concerned recreational users in the LSCR, a network of  unauthorized trails on the East...

Meet the Trail Builders: Dave

Meet the Trail Builders: Dave

The NSMBA has a great team of builders outside of the trail crew and we'd like to introduce you to a few others who enjoy getting dirty to look after our network of trails. This month meet Dave, a North Shore local who you'll often find out clearing drains or deadfall...

DNV Election – Questions for the Candidates

DNV Election – Questions for the Candidates

This Saturday, Oct 20th, is the municipal election for the District of Vancouver. For all information regarding the candidates, where and how to vote can be found...

Pro-D Dig Day

Pro-D Dig Day

Are you a high school student interested in working on the trails and getting some volunteer hours? The NSMBA is going ahead with our first ProD Dig Day for high school students on Friday, October 19th. .We have 3 amazing options for those who are interested in...

October Trail Update

October Trail Update

Fall has arrived and the trail crew, builders and volunteers are taking advantage of the wet and not-so-hot temperatures to get as much fresh gold onto the trails as possible! The trail crew was mainly focused on Fromme this past month, working on Bobsled, Expresso,...

Upcoming Trail Days

Upcoming Trail Days

Looking to come work on the trails? Check below for some open trail days, no registration required. You can also see everything on our Events Calendar Click the image to see the meeting spot on Google Maps. Never been to a trail day before? Click here to see what...

September Trail Update

September Trail Update

  We're heading into the best time of the year for trail work as Summer transitions back into Fall! Since the middle of August, the trail crew have been making sure that some of the busiest trails on the mountain stayed fresh as well as getting some much needed...

August Trail Update

August Trail Update

Despite the peak heat minimizing the amount of dirt work to do, the trail crew, builders and volunteers have still been busy replacing bridges, preparing the trails for the return of the rain and giving the trails some fresh gold where it is still effective. All wood...

July Trail Update

July Trail Update

Sustainable berms and some new lines were the specials this Month with our Trail crew staying busy on Bobsled, Boogieman, Expresso, Ladies Only, Digger, Dreamweaver, For the Kids, Dempsey, and Bridle Path.                  ...

June Trail Update

June Trail Update

Our trail crew and volunteers have been busy on the mountains making sure they grab all the fresh gold they can before the dry season hits. Regular maintenance was the order of the month with the Trail crew putting in time on Expresso, Dreamweaver, Pingu, Ladies Only,...



Curious about trail building and getting involved with the NSMBA? Come on out for one of our upcoming social dig sessions on a weekday evening to get a taste of what trail building/maintenance is all about! . These social evening dig nights are meant to be welcoming...

May Trail Update

May Trail Update

With snow gone and the Summer dryness still a ways a way, we're in perhaps the busiest time for the trails right now. Our trail crew fixed up a major section of the Powerline Trail on Seymour, rebuilt the Skybridge on Boogienights (after wind debris damaged it), and...